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Creative Arts Marketing

Título: Creative Arts Marketing

Autor: HILL, Elizabeth; O’SULLIVAN, Terry; O'SULLIVAN, Catherine

Editorial: A Butterworth-Heinemann

ISBN: 9780750657372

Año de publicación: 2003

Páginas: 384


As a comprehensive overview of all aspects of marketing in the sector, Creative Arts Marketing remains unrivalled, and in addition this edition gives new coverage of-

* Current knowledge and best practice about marketing and advertising through new media

* The impact of Relationship Marketing techniques

* A wholly revised and enhanced set of cases

* Entirely revised and updated data on the arts 'industry'

Creative Arts Marketing reflects the diversity of the arts world in its wide ranging analysis of how different marketing techniques have worked for a diverse range of arts organizations. As such it is an invaluable text for both students and arts managers.

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Creative Arts Marketing

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